What is Maritime Traffic?
Maritime Traffic is a service which is established by a group of trained authority, designed to increase the safety and efficiency of maritime traffic and to protect the environment. This service will have the capacity to interact with traffic and will be able to respond to the circumstances related to this ones. The Maritime Traffic service must provide, to all ships in transit through the area, reliable and updated information on ship traffic, beacon conditions, meteorological information, tide status, etc.
Within the objectives of Maritime Traffic, we can highlight the navigation improvement when it comes to the safety and efficiency of this one, as well as the prevention of maritime pollution.
Maritime transport can move people (passengers) or things (solid, liquid or gaseous cargo) by sea from one geographic point to another on board a ship. Maritime transport, is considered worldwide, dince it is the most used mode for international trade. It is the one that supports the greatest movement of goods, both in containers and in dry or liquid bulk. Maritime transport is by its nature is international, even if cabotage occurs along the coasts of a country.
Maritime traffic can be offshore, coastal or mixed.
- Offshore maritime traffic: it is the transport of the merchandise that arrives to the country or is sent abroad. Navigation between a national port and a foreign one or vice versa.
- Cabotage maritime traffic: it is the transport of merchandise or navigation between two points of the country located within the same coastline.
- Mixed maritime traffic: when a vessel simultaneously performs offshore maritime and cabotage operations with the merchandise it transports, and also the transportation of merchandise or navigation between two points of the national coast located on a different coastline or at the same one, in case an intermediate stop is made in a foreign port.

10 curious facts about maritime transport
1. Maritime transport represents 90% of world trade shipments.
2. The cost of building large container ships can exceed $ 200 million.
3. Only between 2% and 10% of the containers that transit around the world are inspected.
4. Maritime transport is an ecological form of transport, if we compare it with trucks or airplanes.
5. The average cost of shipping a bicycle is $ 10. The cost of sending a can of soda is $ 0.01.
6. Right now, there are about 20 million containers traveling by sea.
7. The engine of a container ship is 1,000 times more powerful than that of a car.
8. About two-thirds of commercial ships do not have advanced communication facilities on the high seas. Only 10% of the boats have Internet on board.
9. The ports of the East Coast of the United States, New York and New Jersey, carry a third part of all the traffic of the North Atlantic.
10. There are approximately 1.5 million sailors, the vast majority of whom come from the Philippine Islands.

Importance of underwater ship repairs and maintenance
Standard support and fixes to your boat is a fundamental piece of being a vessel proprietor; it assists with guaranteeing wellbeing and security, keeps your boat in top condition and can set aside you time and cash over the long haul
Every so often, a submerged fix is the lone possible alternatives, especially in occurrences of body, propeller and plating upkeep.
Submerged boat fixes can:
· Signify your necessities
· Set aside cash over the long haul
· Lessen time spent in dry dock
· Further develop transport proficiency
Here’s why certain underwater repairs and maintenance are so important:
Hull Cleaning
Maybe the main sort of submerged boat fix, body cleaning ought to be finished consistently.
By keeping your boats structure spotless and kept up with, you can stay away from terrible shocks like barnacles, marine scavangers that whenever left untreated can connect themselves permanently to the underside of your boat.
Propeller Polishing
Regular propeller polishing can assist with diminishing the surface's harshness and thusly, can save huge costs eventually. Smooth propeller surfaces become ungracious to marine living beings, which means the underside of your boat will not turn into a homing ground for marine life that could cause harm.
Hull Plate Repairs
Damaged hull plating can be the result of many factors; natural corrosion, stress from long voyages or unavoidable wear and tear after years of use. Allowing defective hull plates to go unnoticed can cost you, both financially and in time, so immediate repair and maintenance once a fault has been identified is important. Repair methods are varied; from a hydraulic ram to specialist tempering.
Underwater Ship Painting
There will without a doubt be a period where submerged composition or cement work to the lower part of your boat is required, especially if any defensive covering starts to break down and erode. Customary upkeep on your boat's paintwork can assist with hindering such erosion as well as putting aside your money; if rust or oxidization is left for a really long time, it turns into a significantly more costly issue to have.